

Man, I love pugs. They are just the freakin' cutest dog ever. I watched The Adventures of Milo and Otis a hundred times when I was a kid, until, of course, I learned about how they filmed that movie. (Seriously, if you ever want to watch it without cringing, do not look up how they filmed it. It was horrible for those animals.)

So I was super glad that I got to see a pug today. It looked happy to see me, too!

I think I saw that dog again when I was walking home, too. I always see it when it's too dark to make out. It's weird. Maybe I should bring a flashlight with me when I go out, just in case? Hey, that's a good idea, I'll write that down.




So I saw a poodle today. I was so excited, I forgot to even take a picture with my phone. Which was stupid, because, seriously, this poodle was the cutest thing ever. EVAR.

When I was walking home, I thought I saw another dog, too. But it didn't look like any dog I recognized - it was waaaay back in some back street and I couldn't see it that well because it was dark and everything. I thought about maybe going closer to see it, but then I realized that 1) it was dark, 2) it may be rabid, and 3) seriously, what am I, stupid?

In any case, I might see it again during the day, fingers crossed.




My name is Kay and I loooove dogs. Seriously, show me a dog and I will go gaga over it, doesn't matter the breed or what it looks like.

So, yeah, this blog will mainly be about dogs. And maybe some personal stuff, but that's it.
